    HomeOrganic FoodNature's Emporium: 4 Essential Supplements for Mood and Stress Management

    Nature’s Emporium: 4 Essential Supplements for Mood and Stress Management

    Are You Feeling Stressed Currently? As our current circumstances shift from what is comfortable and familiar into uncharted waters, many have had to confront stress and anxiousness that has resulted from transition.

    Supplementing with vitamins that reduce anxiety, support emotional wellbeing and assist sound sleep can do wonders to support healthful living and reduce stress levels. Try our Nature’s Crew selections of stress relief dietary supplements:

    Bach Rescue Treatment
    Homeopathic therapies have long been proven effective for managing stress – which we offer plenty of with this tincture!

    Rescue Treatment’s Tincture may just be what’s necessary to relieve feelings of tension, anxiety and inertia. Crafted using 5 different herb and flower essences.

    Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem will create the serenity that you seek. These flower forces will deliver peace to any situation.

    Organika Adaptogen Chaga Mushroom Powder for Calm.

    Homeostasis refers to our body’s natural state of equilibrium; stress and added strain can quickly throw our homeostasis out of balance; that is why Calm by Organika can help.

    Calm contains mushroom and herb adaptogens to support overall wellness throughout your day. Add one capsule daily into tea, juice or coffee in order to stay steady and focused throughout your activities.

    Stress and anxiety have many causes; one often overlooked is lack of restful sleep. With everything to accomplish every day, restful slumber may become farthest from our minds as there doesn’t appear to be enough hours in each day for us all to complete all that needs doing.

    Pascoflair is an all-natural sleep remedy made of extract from passionflower that works to relax thoughts and achieve restful REM sleep more easily. Furthermore, this soothing treatment may also be used as part of natural medicine treatments to alleviate restlessness or nervousness.

    Orange Naturals Children Magnesium Chewables offer convenient magnesium chewables.

    Sleep provides us all with an anchor to the day ahead; stress and anxiety do not discriminate based on age. Even our youngest family members need quality restful slumber in order to have enough strength and resilience for tomorrow.

    Orange Naturals, one of Canada’s leading supplement companies, has developed an all-natural magnesium component designed to assist your children’s sleep and tastes great!

    Magnesium is an essential mineral required by our bodies for producing melatonin for restful sleep, studies have proven its effects can help regulate stress levels and temper stability – and everyone benefits when their children get restful nights’ rest!

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